Sciatica Relief Handbook
If you ever experience sciatica symptoms such as: l Pain in the buttocks l Pain in your lower back l Pain shooting down one or both legs l Numbness in legs or feet you should get a copy of The Sciatica Relief Handbook. The author, Bill Habets reveals natural ways he believes can prevent sciatica flareups and relieve Sciatica pain. It contains up-to -date in for mation on sciatica – what causes painful symptoms, how they can be relieved naturally, and how to protect you r self from fu ture sciatica problems. You are given specific facts on natural, alternative and medical treat - ments. You’ll learn about these treatments and find out how and why they work. For example, you’ll discover how a simple technique brings relief, and you’ll learn simple selfhelp tips that prevent Sciatica problems. You’ll discover Habet’s theories on what nutrients may help soothe the sciatic nerve, and what specific foods may prevent sciatica flareups and promote healing. The book even explains in detail about the sciatic nerve, the various ways it may become inflamed and cause pain, how to find out specifically what causes distress, what to do and what not to do – and why millions of people experience sciatica and lower back pain. Here’s what satisfied readers of the book report: “Just one simple exercise in the book did the trick – I did the exercise while watching TV and hardly ever have any discomfort.” One woman now sleeps like a baby at night following one simple tip cov ered in the book. Thanks to it, one man is now dancing again after suf fering on and off for years. Get all the facts.
Diabetes Improvement Program
A remarkable new book by Dr. Quillin reveals principles that he believes could help nor ma lize blood sugar naturally… and help reverse many symptoms of diabetes. Dr. Quillin discusses his theories that could help: Eliminate ketones and give you more abundant energy Make blood sugar levels go from High Risk to Normal l Help numb feet regain a level of feelingReverse neuropathy and resultant heel ulcers.Improve eyesight Stimulate scratches and scrapes to heal fasterImprove your balance Regain control of your life Dr. Quillin believes that this program is amazing and could really give diabetics control of their lives and the feeling of satisfaction that comes from hav ing normal blood sugar profiles. The results speak for themselves. It tells you which delicious foods to eat and which to avoid. It also warns you of the potential danger of certain so-called ‘diabetes’ diets. Diabetics have written to the publisher calling this book “outstanding”... “a tremendous help”… and saying it made “a difference in my life.” Dr Quillin explains his theories and that “people report better vision, more energy, faster healing, regained feeling in their feet, as well as a reduction of various risk factors associated with other diseases.” Boost your all-round health too!
Tinnitus Relief
High pitched whistling, hissing, buzzing, ringing, humming and other annoying sounds that no-one else can hear but you? Tinnitus affects 6 million people across the UK so if these symptoms are familiar then take heart, you are not alone. The Complete Guide to Tinnitus and Deafness will help every Tinnitus sufferer to better under stand and treat their condition. The book explains the latest treatments and gives you advice on how you can relieve the condition safely and effectively. You’ll find out:
How to protect yourself from Tinnitus
What causes Tinnitus
Which prescription drugs are effective
A simple ear massage that can bring relief
Why you should watch what you eat l New natural remedies
Try uttering this specific sound – some Tinnitus sufferers swear by it
A simple bedtime remedy can offer night long relief l When Tinnitus can be considered normal
The different types of Tinnitus
A breathing exercise that can cleanse the inner ear
When Tinnitus can be considered normal
Hearing aids – can you manage without?
The Complete Guide to Tinnitus and Deafness is the ultimate up-to-date reference that you cannot afford to miss. Order the Complete Guide to Tinnitus and Deafness now direct. With its 3-month trial money back guarantee you really have nothing to lose.
Fibromyalgia Relief Handbook
A new book reveals how to get relief from Fibromyalgia symptoms such as chronic muscle pain, fatigue, memory or concentration prob lems, sleeping problems, headaches, numb ness and tingling, and sensitivity to cold. The Fibromyalgia Relief Hand book reveals the latest information on Fibromyalgia – why its specific cause is not known, how it can best be treated and how to protect yourself from troublesome symptoms. This book gives you specific facts on the brand new natural, alternative and med - ical solutions that can bring prompt and welcome relief. You’ll discover specific measures to deal with “hurting all over”, tender spots, getting a good night’s sleep, irritable bowel problems, and the other symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. The book reveals what foods help the condition, what you should know about the nutrients calcium and magnesium and what to avoid at all costs. You’ll en discover the benefits of therapeutic massage relaxation and meditation techniques, exercise – and much more. The book gives you a full explanation of Fibromyalgia – in plain English – and why so many people suffer from it. Many people are suffering from Fibromyalgia symptoms because they don’t know where to find safe and appropriate treatment. Get all the facts.