
Read just one of many press reports of real life positive experiences people have had when FLX Knee Supports.

Finally, no more knee pain

Over the last two years I’d tried everything to stop the pain in my knees... painkillers, acu- puncture, and physiotherapy treatments. Sometimes physio would give me a bit of relief but within hours the pain would be as bad as ever. It was so depressing, I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I’m normally very positive but I couldn’t stop thinking that this is what my life was going to be like.

I didn’t want to leave the house

I’ve always been very active and love socialising. But the pain was so bad all I wanted to do was stay indoors. I felt bad for my wife Sue, as it was im- pacting on her life as well. Apart from her I’d only confided in my best friend Dave, he knew what I was going through because he had bad knees for years. One evening he popped over for a drink. He had a spring in his step when he would normally be shuffling along, but not today!

How on earth could a small knee strap help

He told me he’d been like this for six weeks. “My knees have been better since I’ve started wearing my new FLX knee straps, it’s like I have new knees.” He went on,

“I told you all about them last month.” I must admit I did remember him mentioning it but I thought how on earth could a small knee strap help. But seeing Dave being so light on his feet I was all ears now!

He rolled up his trousers and showed me the knee strap. He said it was remarkable, taking the pressure off his knee joints. I knew there had to be something in it. I asked how I could order them, he reached into his bag – he’d bought me a present, two FLX Knee straps! I put them on and after a little adjustment they were in place. I wore them all day and the next. I was amazed, getting up and down stairs was not such a struggle. I thought this feels good.

No pain, and more flexibility

After a week of wearing them Sue and I went out for a long walk to burn off the pounds gained over the holiday. After 15 minutes Sue suggested we walk back, she was worried I’d already over done it. But I in- sisted we go on a bit further, I wanted to put these knee straps to the test. We walked for a good 45 minutes at a normal pace.

Sue couldn’t believe it. I thought maybe I was going to have to pay the price the next day, but they didn’t hurt at all. The strap takes the pressure off the knee joint, so no pain, and more flexibility.

It’s like having new knees. I suggested to Sue that we go to Rome in the spring for her birthday, she’s always wanted to go. But with my bad knees we’d always put it off. Thanks to Dave’s incredible present I’ve got my life back, Rome here we come!”